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August 17, 2014

INL Niamey Prison award

Photo: project rendering by Hollingsworth Pack

Hollingsworth Pack, together with CTA, GeoConsult and Legeni, have been awarded the contract to design a 750 bed prison compound in Niamey, Niger. The design effort is funded by the US Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Hollingsworth Pack har sammen med CTA, GeoConsult og Legeni fået tildelt en kontrakt, hvor virksomhederne skal tegne et fængselsområde med plads til 750 senge i Niamey, Niger. Arbejdet finansieres af Det Amerikanske Udenrigsministerium, Kontor for International Narkotika og Retshåndhævelse (Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs).

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