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August 4, 2015

Danish Chancellery and staff housing in New Delhi, India

Photo: project model by Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects

The team consisting of EKJ Consulting Engineers, Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects and Hollingsworth Pack, has been awarded the contract for construction phase consultancy for the new Danish Chancellery and staff housing in New Delhi, India. The team is represented locally by RSMS Architects, Saviram Engineering Consultants, and ABL Hospitech.  Hollingsworth Pack will provide on site construction leadership for the local team, and also provide construction process risk identification services.

Teamet bestående af EKJ Rådgivende Ingeniører, Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter og Hollingsworth Pack er blevet tildelt kontrakten for rådgivning under udførelsesfasen af det nye danske kancelli i New Dehli, Indien. Lokalt er teamet repræsenteret af RSMS Architects, Saviram Engineering Consultants, og ABL Hospitech. Hollingsworth Pack vil stå for tilsyn og byggeledelse af det lokale team samt identifikation af risikoelementer i udførelsesfasen.

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