Cabaret Prison

New construction of a 200-inmate all-female prison.

The original task order consisted of preparing 35% design/build bridging documents, but as the work progressed, the decision was made to first modify the contract to 60% design documents, and finally to design-bid-build 100% design documentation with IFC documents (issued for construction) as the final contract documentation.

The compound includes guard towers, entry control points, sally ports, and a self-sufficient compound for electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection and sewer systems. The prison is designed under a very restrictive budget. The original target budget was $16,000 per bed, or a total construction cost excluding the site of under $5,000,000. Through a cooperative effort with the local team members led by architect Eduardo Castellon, local INL staff, and the Hollingsworth Pack US-based team, the design was refined to reduce costs and still provide the basic functions required. From a security perspective, the project contains gates, fencing & walls and technical security monitoring of the perimeter.

Hollingsworth Pack Austin performed Structural and MEP engineering bridging documents for design-build delivery, including design of self-sufficient electrical, mechanical and sewer systems.

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)
Office involved:
Cabaret, Haiti
Project type:
Client type:
Design start:
Construction completed:
Our role was:
Prime Consultant
Project value:
Services provided:
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering